måndag 30 mars 2009

Åsa and Karin proudly presets the first guest blogger!

Both me and Karin have awesome, talented and creative friends. So we've thought about having them as guests on our blog for a while, and now's the time to start!
It works like this: every monday we present a guest. Either we challenge the person and give them a mission, or they can decide for themselves. The following monday we will post their contribution. Simple!

I'm very proud to say that my beloved friend Klara Carlström is first up!
I'll let her introduce herself:

Name: Klara Carlström

Age: 20
Location: Svalöv
Does for a living: Study writing at Fridhems folkhögskola
A picture of something you made: This wall made of collages

A picture of you:

A picture of something beautiful: Fever Ray at Umeå open 2009

An awesome song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdadLPjQzX4
A mission you want us to do: Get really hammered and document what happens.

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