tisdag 14 oktober 2008

Åsa day 10

My assignment for today was to write a love letter or a letter of admiration to anyone I wanted and then send it.
I won't tell you who I wrote to (although some of you will be able to figure it out), but I will publish a small part of it for you to read:

"Because the thing is that I don't think any photographer has given me as much concrete inspiration as you have.
I remember seeing some photos you had taken in Jönköping with Viviatar wide and slim, and that was the first time I realized how amazing photos you could take with such a simple camera.
And I bought one, and it has in itself given me the will to create again.

And I love your photos from Iceland. And the ones you took of Karin (and yourself). And all toycamera photos.
Actually all your photos."

(ps. on thursday I will be able to use my camera again. more fun assignment awaits!)

1 kommentar:

Karin + Åsa sa...

har hon svarat än? /karin