+ Try to update this blog frequently, and be more creative over all. It's not really that
hard for me to take time to make at least something of value each day.
+ Be more conscious about politics, environmental issues in particular,
and try to create more politically relevant art/crafts.
+ Continue with not buying anything new at all. I hardly did last year either.
+ Take care of my people!
What were yours?
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- Get a really awesome mark on my Fine Art degree.
- Project 365.
- Find a big house to share with my friends.
- Get through a rainbow of hair colours (I've had red, turquoise, electric blue and purple so far.)
- Buy Tatty Divine jewellery.
- läsa en massa böcker
- göra något kreativt varje dag (tack till er, hoho)
- inte shoppa
- äta bra
- träna! weeoowoo.
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