Thanks to lovely Sandra we got lots of new visitors today and wanted to make an introduction of us!
Name: Karin
Age: 22 years
Location: Kortedala, Gothenburg
Does for a living?: Studying fashion history though I'm going to drop out, running, selling vintage and handmade things
A picture of something you made: A hat to wear at FPP
Name: Karin
Age: 22 years
Location: Kortedala, Gothenburg
Does for a living?: Studying fashion history though I'm going to drop out, running, selling vintage and handmade things
A picture of something you made: A hat to wear at FPP
Something about Åsa: Åsa is like a Nina Hemmingsson comic come to life, all the cynicism I'll ever need!
Name: Åsa
Age: 21 years
Location: Kortedala, Gothenburg
Does for a living?: Studies to become a baker/pastery chef
A picture of something you made: A cupcake I made for my friend Björn

A picture of you:

A picture of something beautiful: An old photo of my grandparents that I love.

Something about Karin: Once when I was really, really sad, Karin sent me this song. It will forever remind me of her. She's awesome.
Now you go!
Does for a living?:
A picture of something you made:
A picture of you:
A picture of something beautiful:
An awesome song:
(Optional) A mission you want us to do!
Now you go!
Does for a living?:
A picture of something you made:
A picture of you:
A picture of something beautiful:
An awesome song:
(Optional) A mission you want us to do!
8 kommentarer:
din hårfärg är snjukt snygg!
varför hoppa av studierna? jag hoppade av en annan kurs. ett ämne som man tycker är roligt kan bli tråkigt när man skall analysera sönder saker.
åh jag vill svara!
Name: Sandra
Age: 24
Location: Stockholm. På jobbet nu exakt.
Does for a living?: jag är copywriter på en reklambyrå.
A picture of something you made: utseendet på mitt kylskåp.
A picture of you:
A picture of something beautiful:
An awesome song:
(Optional) A mission you want us to do!
jag vill så gärna att ni ska sweda någon film!
Jeg liker virkelig bloggen deres.. :)
Åsas mor/farföräldrar ser jätterara ut!
Jag ska bo i Hisings Backa, verkar fint! I tidningarna står det bara om alla unga knarkare i området så det vr ju skönt att höra att det finns andra också!
Name: Melanie
Age: 20
Location: Leeds / Manchester, UK
Does for a living?: Fine Art student
A picture of something you made:
A picture of you:
(Most recent)
A picture of something beautiful:
An awesome song:
(Optional) A mission you want us to do!
Create each other an outfit to wear out of house hold objects.
my answer to this!:
i asked to syndicate your account, and voilá!:
and the mission part... i saved a list of 100 ideas; it was part of a collective online project, i think. here are some that you may find useful:
4. Draw your dinner.
8. Find a photo of a person you do not know. Write a brief bio about them.
12. Make a map of everywhere you went in one day.
20. Write a haiku.
22. Hang found objects from tree branches.
31. Create a museum of very small things.
33. List 100 uses for a tin can.
47. Draw the individual items of your favorite outfit.
52. Record all of the sounds you hear in the course of one hour.
86. Write an entry in code.
93. Write your own definition of one of the following concepts, sitting, waiting, sleeping (without using the actual word.)
95. Illustrate the concept of "simplicity".
I've been following this blog since Karin posted it on her livejournal.
I did this meme in my own blog
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