torsdag 30 oktober 2008
tisdag 28 oktober 2008
Karin retribution 2

I scanned some pages from a embroidery book from 1959 that I sold on my site. It's called Märkbok 2 and is illustrated by Elsie Svennås and I find it to be one of the best ones ever!
Karin's retribution
Sorry for being lame and not updating the blog for two days! On Saturday I was way too tired to do much at all, and on Sunday it was my birthday and I was busy all day. Here's a little movie I filmed from our balcony of my flatmate Julia going to the supermarket in her bedsheet.
I'm still waiting for photos from saturday evening so I will show them in a separate post.
I'm still waiting for photos from saturday evening so I will show them in a separate post.
söndag 26 oktober 2008
Åsa day 22
This post will be really boring beacuse today I started my project. But unfortunately it is a secret until next weekend, so I can't show you anything until then. Sorry.
lördag 25 oktober 2008
fredag 24 oktober 2008
Åsa day 20
Today I improvised some veggie burgers.
I used the following ingredienses:
cannelini beans
soy flour
black pepper
It turned out pretty good.
I used the following ingredienses:
cannelini beans
soy flour
black pepper
It turned out pretty good.
Karin day 20
torsdag 23 oktober 2008
Åsa & Karin day 19
Today me and some friends had a suprise party for Karin (her birthday is on sunday). We ate cake and played games. I unfortunately missed filming the actual suprise moment, but here are a (very badly filmed) film from the evening. First preparations, then Karin blows out the candles and in the end we play a version of Pictionary.
(Btw, I gave her whiskey)
(Btw, I gave her whiskey)
onsdag 22 oktober 2008
Åsa, bonus
Åsa, the day I missed
I missed a day. But I didn't really miss it, I just didn't have the photos to show.
Anyway, this saturday my friends had a party and I helped them decorate gingerbread biscuits. And I drew moustasches on balloons, but you can't see them on the photos..
This is how the gingerbread biscuits looked like:
Anyway, this saturday my friends had a party and I helped them decorate gingerbread biscuits. And I drew moustasches on balloons, but you can't see them on the photos..
This is how the gingerbread biscuits looked like:

tisdag 21 oktober 2008
Åsa day 17
My old penpal Åsa sent me these old letters I wrote when I was between like 10 and 14.
This is me reading from one of them.
This is what I say (in swedish):
"David kollade upp musiken och den var inställd, så jag är hemma och lyssnar på Kent. Sa det precis innan jag åkte. Då sa David att det är ett dåligt bögband. Så jag fick försvara både Kent och homosexuella. Han har helt fel åsikter. Han är rasist, nazist och har homofobi. Han tycker att homosexualitet är en sjukdom. Sen fick jag en chock när jag fick veta att Natalie höll med honom lite. Hon tycker att det är äckligt, men hon "respekterar" dom. Jag tycker det är så himla dumma åsikter. Jag menar, vad är det för skillnad på David och en bög, förutom att David inte gillar killar? Han hade inget svar. Han började förklara att människorna skulle dö ut om alla var homo. Sen skulle elefanterna eller zebrorna ta över jorden. Undrar om han vet att det finns en teori om att alla är bisexuella "i någon mån"? Ska upplysa honom om det imorgon."
(the names were suppose to be fake, but I kept mixing. David and Daniel is the same person)
This is me reading from one of them.
This is what I say (in swedish):
"David kollade upp musiken och den var inställd, så jag är hemma och lyssnar på Kent. Sa det precis innan jag åkte. Då sa David att det är ett dåligt bögband. Så jag fick försvara både Kent och homosexuella. Han har helt fel åsikter. Han är rasist, nazist och har homofobi. Han tycker att homosexualitet är en sjukdom. Sen fick jag en chock när jag fick veta att Natalie höll med honom lite. Hon tycker att det är äckligt, men hon "respekterar" dom. Jag tycker det är så himla dumma åsikter. Jag menar, vad är det för skillnad på David och en bög, förutom att David inte gillar killar? Han hade inget svar. Han började förklara att människorna skulle dö ut om alla var homo. Sen skulle elefanterna eller zebrorna ta över jorden. Undrar om han vet att det finns en teori om att alla är bisexuella "i någon mån"? Ska upplysa honom om det imorgon."
(the names were suppose to be fake, but I kept mixing. David and Daniel is the same person)
måndag 20 oktober 2008
Karin day 16
Åsa day 16

I first saw Karin a couple of years ago in my new school. I was intiminated. She was super cool and had pink and white extensions and a boyfriend
who also had extensions and listened to synth. I was scared of them.
But then her boyfriend's little brother became my boyfriend and we started spending time at their parents house at the same time. I was constantly
scared that I would make a fool out of me and that Karin would think that I was a dork. Luckily Karin embarrased herself first.
And so, we became friends.
What I like the most about Karin is that she's much more than what crosses the eye. I think a punker lives inside her. She always appriciates grose things and dirty details.
And thanks to that she knows most things about me, because I can tell her everything (yes, be afraid, be very afraid). And she keeps me from going/helps me to go insane.
She's pretty awesome!
söndag 19 oktober 2008
Bonus, or whatever.
Karin day 15

I've been working like crazy with adding crocheting and sewing patterns to the site today too, so if you're feeling crafty I suggest you go there. (Sorry for the sneaky advertising!)
Åsa day 14
lördag 18 oktober 2008
Karin day 14

I have added heaps of vintage crocheting and knitting patterns to my site, about fifty tonight and another 300 or so are coming! That's the only creative thing I've had time for today and it's not all that much, but it's an opportunity for other people to be creative I hope!

Lily of the Valley
fredag 17 oktober 2008
Karin day 13
Heey! This is Karin. I've actually failed also. I'm at my friends Josef & Becka's place in Jönköping, and they don't seem to have an usb port on the computer so I can't get my photos over to it. Maybe this day is cursed. Better luck tomorrow!
Åsa day 13
Today I'm afraid I have nothing to show. I'm in Malmö and Lina, Josefin and I really tried to make a film, but everything went wrong. So we thought we'd show you some of the behind the scene shoots, but that didn't work either.
I'm really sorry and will make for this failure.
Today I'm afraid I have nothing to show. I'm in Malmö and Lina, Josefin and I really tried to make a film, but everything went wrong. So we thought we'd show you some of the behind the scene shoots, but that didn't work either.
I'm really sorry and will make for this failure.
torsdag 16 oktober 2008
Karin day 12
Åsa day 12
Tomorrow I'm going to Malmö to visit my lovely friends.
It's going to be AWESOME!
I have written a poem about it, with rhymes and everything!
Min stundande resa till Malmö
Reunion med Camp onani
det är så fint som det kan bli.
Mustaschen är odlad och rött är sött,
jag har packat ner en outfit som är lika röd om kött.
det behöver man ha om man ska komma in på festen
som kommer bli den bästa festen förresten.
Ett födelsedagsbarn har också fyllt år,
tar med mig present som det är dags att hon får.
Dom andra får njuta av mitt goda sällskap
och jag längtar till allt galej och dårskap.
Om bara några timmar är jag nere hos dom fina,
Jossan, John, Simpan, Sofia, Klara och Lina.
Och alla andra också såklart,
jag kommer träffa er snart, snart, snart!
Hoppas som vanligt på att göra en Åsa igen,
imorgon händer det, jag har det på känn.
Det kommer bli fantastiskt, det kommer bli kul
det kommer bli det bästa som hänt sedan jul.
It's going to be AWESOME!
I have written a poem about it, with rhymes and everything!
Min stundande resa till Malmö
Reunion med Camp onani
det är så fint som det kan bli.
Mustaschen är odlad och rött är sött,
jag har packat ner en outfit som är lika röd om kött.
det behöver man ha om man ska komma in på festen
som kommer bli den bästa festen förresten.
Ett födelsedagsbarn har också fyllt år,
tar med mig present som det är dags att hon får.
Dom andra får njuta av mitt goda sällskap
och jag längtar till allt galej och dårskap.
Om bara några timmar är jag nere hos dom fina,
Jossan, John, Simpan, Sofia, Klara och Lina.
Och alla andra också såklart,
jag kommer träffa er snart, snart, snart!
Hoppas som vanligt på att göra en Åsa igen,
imorgon händer det, jag har det på känn.
Det kommer bli fantastiskt, det kommer bli kul
det kommer bli det bästa som hänt sedan jul.

onsdag 15 oktober 2008
Åsa day 11
500g water
800g flour
200g rye flour
50g yeast
50g olive oil
5g salt
½ dl honey
1 ½ tomatos
50 g parmesan
6 cloves of garlic (kind of small)
black pepper & some (dry) herbes
I also took some (crappy) pictures to show you how to do:
2. Add all the rye flour, honey, salt and almost all of the regular flour.
3. Blend all the ingrediens and
put it on the table (or in a
machine if you owe one).
4. Work the dough really well.
5. Chop the tomatoes into kind off small pieces and grate the parmesan and the garlic. Add tomatoes, parmesan, garlic, the spices and herbs in the dough and make sure it blends.
6. Let it rise i the bowl under some plastic foil until it's twice it's original size.
7. When it looks like this you can start measure up the pieces. I made two loafs and four small ones.
8. Then I let it rise under plastic again. For half an hour or so.
9. After it's been in the oven it looks like this. I had the big ones in the oven at 200C for about 25 minutes and the small one at 250C for 15-20 minutes. Done!
Karin day 11
My mission today was to mend or fix something. I've been mending my black velvet 50s dress, it was ripped apart under both arms and the last time I mended it I only stitched the seam back in it's place but it ripped again since I wave my arms too much when I am drunk. So this time I put black patches there to give myself more room to move around. However this is not that fun to take a picture of since it doesn't really show at all so I won't.
Then I finished what I started yesterday. I had these really annoyingly boring wool/acrylic socks that I felt unreasonably aggressive towards since I don't like owning things I don't think are pretty but really can't throw something fully useful away either. So I crocheted a border in brown, a lacey edge in white and put two big purple bows on them and now I like them and am going to try to mend them until they fall apart completely and then some more. Here they are with my other, most beloved socks over.

Then I finished what I started yesterday. I had these really annoyingly boring wool/acrylic socks that I felt unreasonably aggressive towards since I don't like owning things I don't think are pretty but really can't throw something fully useful away either. So I crocheted a border in brown, a lacey edge in white and put two big purple bows on them and now I like them and am going to try to mend them until they fall apart completely and then some more. Here they are with my other, most beloved socks over.
tisdag 14 oktober 2008
Karin day 10
Åsa told me to portray in any way shape or form how I feel when I hear the song Running up that Hill. I have it with Kate Bush and with Placebo. This is how I feel about the songs with the different artists. Feel free to make assumptions.
1. Placebo
It doesn't hurt me / ----- ++ +
Do you want to feel how it feels?/ -------------___
Do you want to know that it doesn't hurt me?/ -------____
Do you want to hear about the deal that I'm making? / ... - --- - ____
And if I only could, / --------------------!!
I'd make a deal with God / ---------------------
And I'd get him to swap our places / , ----....__
Be running up that road /--- --- - ____-_
Be running up that hill / -- ____
Be running up that building. /---
If I only could, oh... / '''''''''+*
You don't want to hurt me,/ 0000000000000 ___
But see how deep the bullet lies / ----?
Unaware I'm tearing you asunder /----------
Ooh, there is thunder in our hearts, baby /´´´´´´´´´´´´´_____??
Is there so much hate for the ones we love? / ---.,..,.-.-..
Tell me, we both matter, don't we? / ---- .......- -----
You, it's you and me / '****''
It's you and me won't be unhappy / .........................()
And if I only could / --------------------------
I'd make a deal with God / -------------------------
And I'd get him to swap our places / ------------------
Be running up that road / --------------------------------------
Be running up that hill / -----------------------------------------
Be running up that building, / ---------------------------------
Say, if I only could, oh... / ------------------------------------- --------------
You, / _________________________
It's you and me / ___________________
It's you and me won't be unhappy / __________________
C'mon, baby, c'mon darling / ( )
Let me steal this moment from you now / ( )
C'mon, angel, c'mon, c'mon, darling / ( )
Let's exchange the experience, oh... / ( )
And if I only could /.........................................................
I'd make a deal with God / .................................................
And I'd get him to swap our places/ ...............................................................
Be running up that road / __________________
Be running up that hill/ _______________
With no problems. / *
If I only could / ---------------
Be running up that hill / ------
With no problems... / -----
If I only could, I'd be running up that hill / _______
If I only could, I'd be running up that hill / : ?
2. Kate Bush
It doesn't hurt me / !!!!!!!!! =+0+0+0
Do you want to feel how it feels? / 0000?+00+0++00
Do you want to know that it doesn't hurt me? / 0+0==???====!!!!!!
Do you want to hear about the deal that I'm making? / !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You, it's you and me / 00000++++ --!!!!!
And if I only could / !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd make a deal with God / !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I'd get him to swap our places / !! -- ''*'***********
Be running up that road / **************************^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Be running up that hill / ^0000000000000000++0
Be running up that building / ^¨¨^^^¨¨¨¨
See If I only could, oh / ´´´´´´´´´´´´´´+++++=00000000
You don't want to hurt me / =======000000000!!!!!!!!!!!
But see how deep the bullet lies / !!
Unaware I'm tearing you asunder / !! ***''**'!!!
Ooh, there is thunder in our hearts / +++++++!?!?!??!++++++
Is there so much hate for the ones we love? / ?????11111111110000000
Tell me, we both matter, don't we? / !!??????????
You, it's you and me / !!!!
It's you and me won't be unhappy / !
And if I only could / !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd make a deal with God / !!!!111111111
And I'd get him to swap our places / 11111111111111
Be running up that road / ++++++++++++++++
Be running up that hill / +++++++++++++0+000+0+0+0
Be running up that building / +00+00+0+0+0+0+00+0+0+0+
Say, if I only could, oh / ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++0000000000000000+++ + +
You / !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??++++++++++++++++000000000000000000000000000++++++
It's you and me / ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
It's you and me won't be unhappy / +++++++++++++++++++++
C'mon, baby, c'mon darling / !!!111!!!!!!!!111!!!!!11111!!!!!1111
Let me steal this moment from you now / !!!111!!!!111!!!!1111!!!1111
C'mon, angel, c'mon, c'mon, darling / ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!!!!
Let's exchange the experience, oh... / ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And if I only could, ^
I'd make a deal with God, !!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I'd get him to swap our places / !!!!!!!!!111111111111111
Be running up that road / !!!!!!!!!!!!1111++++
Be running up that hill / ++++
With no problems / ++00+++0+0+0+
If I only could, I'd be running up that hill / +00+000++00+0+00+0
If I only could, I'd be running up that hill / +00+000++00+0+00+0
1. Placebo
It doesn't hurt me / ----- ++ +
Do you want to feel how it feels?/ -------------___
Do you want to know that it doesn't hurt me?/ -------____
Do you want to hear about the deal that I'm making? / ... - --- - ____
You, it's you and me / ____ ...........
And if I only could, / --------------------!!
I'd make a deal with God / ---------------------
And I'd get him to swap our places / , ----....__
Be running up that road /--- --- - ____-_
Be running up that hill / -- ____
Be running up that building. /---
If I only could, oh... / '''''''''+*
You don't want to hurt me,/ 0000000000000 ___
But see how deep the bullet lies / ----?
Unaware I'm tearing you asunder /----------
Ooh, there is thunder in our hearts, baby /´´´´´´´´´´´´´_____??
Is there so much hate for the ones we love? / ---.,..,.-.-..
Tell me, we both matter, don't we? / ---- .......- -----
You, it's you and me / '****''
It's you and me won't be unhappy / .........................()
And if I only could / --------------------------
I'd make a deal with God / -------------------------
And I'd get him to swap our places / ------------------
Be running up that road / --------------------------------------
Be running up that hill / -----------------------------------------
Be running up that building, / ---------------------------------
Say, if I only could, oh... / ------------------------------------- --------------
You, / _________________________
It's you and me / ___________________
It's you and me won't be unhappy / __________________
C'mon, baby, c'mon darling / ( )
Let me steal this moment from you now / ( )
C'mon, angel, c'mon, c'mon, darling / ( )
Let's exchange the experience, oh... / ( )
And if I only could /.........................................................
I'd make a deal with God / .................................................
And I'd get him to swap our places/ ...............................................................
Be running up that road / __________________
Be running up that hill/ _______________
With no problems. / *
If I only could / ---------------
Be running up that hill / ------
With no problems... / -----
If I only could, I'd be running up that hill / _______
If I only could, I'd be running up that hill / : ?
2. Kate Bush
It doesn't hurt me / !!!!!!!!! =+0+0+0
Do you want to feel how it feels? / 0000?+00+0++00
Do you want to know that it doesn't hurt me? / 0+0==???====!!!!!!
Do you want to hear about the deal that I'm making? / !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You, it's you and me / 00000++++ --!!!!!
And if I only could / !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd make a deal with God / !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I'd get him to swap our places / !! -- ''*'***********
Be running up that road / **************************^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Be running up that hill / ^0000000000000000++0
Be running up that building / ^¨¨^^^¨¨¨¨
See If I only could, oh / ´´´´´´´´´´´´´´+++++=00000000
You don't want to hurt me / =======000000000!!!!!!!!!!!
But see how deep the bullet lies / !!
Unaware I'm tearing you asunder / !! ***''**'!!!
Ooh, there is thunder in our hearts / +++++++!?!?!??!++++++
Is there so much hate for the ones we love? / ?????11111111110000000
Tell me, we both matter, don't we? / !!??????????
You, it's you and me / !!!!
It's you and me won't be unhappy / !
And if I only could / !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd make a deal with God / !!!!111111111
And I'd get him to swap our places / 11111111111111
Be running up that road / ++++++++++++++++
Be running up that hill / +++++++++++++0+000+0+0+0
Be running up that building / +00+00+0+0+0+0+00+0+0+0+
Say, if I only could, oh / ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++0000000000000000+++ + +
You / !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??++++++++++++++++000000000000000000000000000++++++
It's you and me / ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
It's you and me won't be unhappy / +++++++++++++++++++++
C'mon, baby, c'mon darling / !!!111!!!!!!!!111!!!!!11111!!!!!1111
Let me steal this moment from you now / !!!111!!!!111!!!!1111!!!1111
C'mon, angel, c'mon, c'mon, darling / ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!!!!
Let's exchange the experience, oh... / ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And if I only could, ^
I'd make a deal with God, !!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I'd get him to swap our places / !!!!!!!!!111111111111111
Be running up that road / !!!!!!!!!!!!1111++++
Be running up that hill / ++++
With no problems / ++00+++0+0+0+
If I only could, I'd be running up that hill / +00+000++00+0+00+0
If I only could, I'd be running up that hill / +00+000++00+0+00+0
Åsa day 10
My assignment for today was to write a love letter or a letter of admiration to anyone I wanted and then send it.
I won't tell you who I wrote to (although some of you will be able to figure it out), but I will publish a small part of it for you to read:
"Because the thing is that I don't think any photographer has given me as much concrete inspiration as you have.
I remember seeing some photos you had taken in Jönköping with Viviatar wide and slim, and that was the first time I realized how amazing photos you could take with such a simple camera.
And I bought one, and it has in itself given me the will to create again.
And I love your photos from Iceland. And the ones you took of Karin (and yourself). And all toycamera photos.
Actually all your photos."
(ps. on thursday I will be able to use my camera again. more fun assignment awaits!)
I won't tell you who I wrote to (although some of you will be able to figure it out), but I will publish a small part of it for you to read:
"Because the thing is that I don't think any photographer has given me as much concrete inspiration as you have.
I remember seeing some photos you had taken in Jönköping with Viviatar wide and slim, and that was the first time I realized how amazing photos you could take with such a simple camera.
And I bought one, and it has in itself given me the will to create again.
And I love your photos from Iceland. And the ones you took of Karin (and yourself). And all toycamera photos.
Actually all your photos."
(ps. on thursday I will be able to use my camera again. more fun assignment awaits!)
måndag 13 oktober 2008
Karin day 9
Åsa told me to make a movie about my day. However, I woke up at three o'clock at Johannas & Mattias place and thought I had lost my cell phone the night before. I got back to Frej's apartment and found it along with my texted mission at five or six in the afternoon so I couldn't document that part of my day much at all. After that we spent about 6 hours in a studio making a sign and I painted a little.
1. Frej
2. A painting I was making.
3. A coordinated dance session.
1. Frej
2. A painting I was making.
3. A coordinated dance session.
Åsa day 9
Today Karin told me to eat something that I had never ate before and write down everything I thought about it. I didn't have a lot of time, but I did have fresh papaya in my fridge.
This is what I thought:
Papaya is kind of tasteless but with a bit wierd after taste (bitter?). The meat is light orange and has a soft and nice consistency.
It's sweet, but not too sweet.
I didn't like it very much and will probably not eat it very often.
Dried papaya on the other hand tastes much better.
Ps. Here's a song about papaya:
This is what I thought:
Papaya is kind of tasteless but with a bit wierd after taste (bitter?). The meat is light orange and has a soft and nice consistency.
It's sweet, but not too sweet.
I didn't like it very much and will probably not eat it very often.
Dried papaya on the other hand tastes much better.
Ps. Here's a song about papaya:
söndag 12 oktober 2008
Karin day 8
My assignment today was to pick something from Learning to Love You More. I picked #51, "Describe what to do with your body when you die."
The thing is that I've promised this guy called Jan-Ulf that he would get my cranium when I died because he wanted to start a collection. Other from that, I've signed up for organ donation and that science would get to perform experiments on me with what's left after that. Also my vegan boyfriend wants to try to eat meat without a bad concience but I guess that's too illegal. I would like to be buried somewhere nice like under a tree. I'd prefer to not be cremated but anything is okay really. Ecological is better.
The thing is that I've promised this guy called Jan-Ulf that he would get my cranium when I died because he wanted to start a collection. Other from that, I've signed up for organ donation and that science would get to perform experiments on me with what's left after that. Also my vegan boyfriend wants to try to eat meat without a bad concience but I guess that's too illegal. I would like to be buried somewhere nice like under a tree. I'd prefer to not be cremated but anything is okay really. Ecological is better.
Åsa day 8
Today I wrote a poem.
It's in swedish and it's called "Jag åker inte berg och dalbana mer", which basically means "I don't ride the rollercoaster anymore"
Jag åker inte berg och dalbana mer
jag åker berg och dalbana med hjärtat i min hand
och håller i mig så att knogarna vitnar
men det går så fort, jag skrattar för högt, vinden blåser i mitt hår.
jag glömmer bort att jag håller i hjärtat.
jag håller för hårt.
jag ser hur det har mosats och blivit en röd, blodig massa
och pressats ut mellan mina fingrar.
jag kliver ur berg och dalbanan,
torkar av händerna på mina jeans
och går därifrån.
It's in swedish and it's called "Jag åker inte berg och dalbana mer", which basically means "I don't ride the rollercoaster anymore"
Jag åker inte berg och dalbana mer
jag åker berg och dalbana med hjärtat i min hand
och håller i mig så att knogarna vitnar
men det går så fort, jag skrattar för högt, vinden blåser i mitt hår.
jag glömmer bort att jag håller i hjärtat.
jag håller för hårt.
jag ser hur det har mosats och blivit en röd, blodig massa
och pressats ut mellan mina fingrar.
jag kliver ur berg och dalbanan,
torkar av händerna på mina jeans
och går därifrån.
lördag 11 oktober 2008
fredag 10 oktober 2008
Åsa day 6
There's been some complications about my assignement today. But finally we decided that I would do a list that our friend Salomo suggested the other night.
What I am happy/unhappy with in my life right now.
I'm the most happy that I:
- live in a great appartment in Kortedala in Göteborg, right where I want to live
- am surrounded with awesome friends that I love and care about and that I hope love and care about me too.
- am studying what I decided that I wanted to study two years ago, and that I, decpite all obsticales, didn't give up.
- know myself well enough to understand how I work and what I want.
I'm not happy that I:
- eat meat.
- still am too lazy when it comes to most things.
- live far away from some of my best friends, like Lina, Josefin and Martin.
There are probably more things to be said, but these felt like the most essentials right now, a night like this.
I'm also going to make a list of my most inspirational websites/blogs online:
- Nanna Johansson is a genius. I love her.
Check out her blog Fem bilder, and her website Fulheten.
- My friend Pontus showed me an awesome bread blog called Pain de Martin.
I will start my own sourdough any day now thanks to it.
And then I have tons of photograpers that inspire me.
Here are some:
- My friend Anna is the most awesome person and photographer.
Visit her lovely blog and her website.
- My friend Pontus is also really talented.
His site is called Kognak and you'll find it here.
- Karin's friend Asia is one of the persons who has inspired me the most when it comes to photography. She has a portfolio here.
- Jamie Campbell is damn good too.
- And one of my favorite sites all times is The ones we love.
The idea is so wonderful, the photos are amazing, and you'll find lots of links to great photographers.
What I am happy/unhappy with in my life right now.
I'm the most happy that I:
- live in a great appartment in Kortedala in Göteborg, right where I want to live
- am surrounded with awesome friends that I love and care about and that I hope love and care about me too.
- am studying what I decided that I wanted to study two years ago, and that I, decpite all obsticales, didn't give up.
- know myself well enough to understand how I work and what I want.
I'm not happy that I:
- eat meat.
- still am too lazy when it comes to most things.
- live far away from some of my best friends, like Lina, Josefin and Martin.
There are probably more things to be said, but these felt like the most essentials right now, a night like this.
I'm also going to make a list of my most inspirational websites/blogs online:
- Nanna Johansson is a genius. I love her.
Check out her blog Fem bilder, and her website Fulheten.
- My friend Pontus showed me an awesome bread blog called Pain de Martin.
I will start my own sourdough any day now thanks to it.
And then I have tons of photograpers that inspire me.
Here are some:
- My friend Anna is the most awesome person and photographer.
Visit her lovely blog and her website.
- My friend Pontus is also really talented.
His site is called Kognak and you'll find it here.
- Karin's friend Asia is one of the persons who has inspired me the most when it comes to photography. She has a portfolio here.
- Jamie Campbell is damn good too.
- And one of my favorite sites all times is The ones we love.
The idea is so wonderful, the photos are amazing, and you'll find lots of links to great photographers.
Bonus - Other self portraits
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